Testimonial Video: REGEV HBX Hybrid Fungicide for Soybean Disease Control

REGEV HBX hybrid fungicide continues to deliver remarkable disease protection for soybeans in the field. In this video, researcher Gary Cloud *owner of GLC Consulting in Quitman, Georgia) offers his firsthand experience of using REGEV HBX to control Frogeye Leaf Spot and Asian Soybean Rust.

Gary found the REGEV HBX treatments looking “extremely good” for both diseases, with yield increases over the untreated check. He suggests soybean growers should test out REGEV HBX for themselves, saying they’ll be “surprised and happy with the results.”

Click here to learn more about REGEV HBX


Always read and follow label directions.

REGEV HBX fungicide may not be registered for sale or use in all states or counties. Please check with your local extension service to ensure registration status.

REGEV HBX is a trademark of Stockton (Israel) Ltd. All other trademarks are the property of their respective companies.
