TIMOREX ACT Fungicide Receives California Registration for Fruits and Vegetables

The California Department of Pesticide Regulation has recently granted registration approval for TIMOREX ACT fungicide. This OMRI-listed product delivers advanced natural plant disease control in multiple fruit and vegetable crops.

This versatile fungicide from SummitAgro USA is based on a botanical extract of the tea tree plant. A purely organic formulation, TIMOREX ACT is highly effective against a broad spectrum of both foliar and soil-borne diseases.

TIMOREX ACT is a FRAC Code 46 fungicide containing the active ingredient tea tree oil. Because tea tree oil is a natural compound, and formulated with organic approved complementary components, TIMOREX ACT is OMRI listed for organic uses.

“TIMOREX ACT has unique activity against both fungal and bacterial plant pathogens.” explained Eric Tedford, SummitAgro field R&D manager. “Having activity against bacterial diseases as well as fungal diseases is a huge benefit to growers as both pathogens can greatly limit yield and quality and there are not many products available to growers for control of bacterial diseases.”

Tedford added that a useful training module for TIMOREX ACT is accessible at

Always read and follow label directions.

TIMOREX ACT fungicide may not be registered for sale or use in all states or counties. Please check with your local extension service to ensure registration status.

TIMOREX ACT is OMRI-listed through Stockton (Israel) Ltd. TIMOREX ACT is a registered trademark of Stockton (Israel) Ltd.
