SummitAgro USA launches solutions-centric website plus introduces VERDEPRYN insecticide and TIMOREX ACT fungicide

DURHAM, NC – SummitAgro USA proudly announces the launch of its new website designed from the ground up to be a solutions-centric tool for growers, dealers, consultants and PCAs.

“We surveyed our customers and distribution partners about website resources. What we found was that these other sites tend to be product-focused in their approach,” said Bill Lewis, SummitAgro CEO. “We wanted our website to be an easily searchable tool that allows users to quickly and simply get answers for the control of the specific pests threatening their particular crops. This mobile-friendly website fits with SummitAgro’s overall strategy of bringing the market a unique mix of conventional and biological offerings.”

In order to achieve this, a robust database drives the site’s search function. It catalogs multiple diseases, insects and weeds for over 600 crops. This makes the SummitAgro website among the most comprehensive, easy-to-use sites in the industry.

The site can be accessed at

In addition to the launch of the new website, SummitAgro has brought to market two new products — VERDEPRYN 100SL insecticide and TIMOREX ACT fungicide.

VERDEPRYN insecticide allows growers to maximize both yields and crop quality by providing exceptional broad-spectrum insect control in pome fruit, stone fruit, grapes, berries, tree nuts and citrus. “We have been pleased with the results seen with HARVANTA insecticide in vegetable crops. Now we can bring that same successful active ingredient — CYCLAPRYN® — to additional crops in the form of VERDEPRYN,” said Mary DeMers, SummitAgro marketing manager for insecticides and fungicides. “VERDEPRYN is a Group 28 insecticide with a control spectrum that is competitive with, or better than, most currently available diamide insecticides and does so with much less active ingredient.”

A purely organic formulation, TIMOREX ACT is a botanical broad-spectrum fungicide with preventative and curative activity based on an extract of the tree tea plant. “An OMRI-listed product, TIMOREX ACT is poised to meet the rigorous standards for sustainable agriculture,” said Fred Yates, SummitAgro marketing manager for biologicals.

Follow these links to learn more about these exciting crop protection products: VERDEPRYNTIMOREX ACT

Always read and follow label directions.

The products from SummitAgro are sold exclusively through its partners Helena Agri-Enterprises and Tenkoz member companies.

TIMOREX ACT is OMRI-listed through Stockton (Israel) Ltd. TIMOREX ACT® is a registered trademark of Stockton (Israel) Ltd.

HARVANTA 50SL insecticide and VERDEPRYN 100SL insecticide crop import tolerances are in the process of being established. Please confirm that tolerances required for the export of your crop have been obtained prior to use.

HARVANTA 50SL insecticide and VERDEPRYN 100SL insecticide may not be registered for sale or use in all states or counties. Please check with your local extension service to ensure registration status.

VERDEPRYN, HARVANTA and CYCLAPRYN are inventions and trademarks or registered trademarks of Ishihara Sangyo Kaisha, Ltd., and are manufactured and developed by ISK Biosciences Corporation.
