Eric Tedford presents HARVANTA at a Reduced Rate for Colorado Potato Beetle Control

SummitAgro USA recently received a FIFRA Section 2(ee) recommendation for HARVANTA 50SL insecticide to control Colorado Potato Beetle at a lower rate. In the short video below, SummitAgro R&D Manager Dr. Eric Tedford goes over essential information about Colorado Potato Beetle, and presents trial data demonstrating the value gained by potato growers when using HARVANTA at the reduced rate to control this pest. Click here to learn more about HARVANTA.


Always read and follow label directions.

HARVANTA 50SL insecticide crop import tolerances are in the process of being established. Confirm that tolerances required for the export of your crop have been obtained prior to use.

HARVANTA 50SL insecticide may not be registered for sale or use in all states or counties. Please check with your local extension service to ensure registration status.

HARVANTA and CYCLAPRYN are inventions and registered trademarks of Ishihara Sangyo Kaisha, Ltd. and are manufactured and developed by ISK Biosciences Corporation
